National Cadet Corps (NCC)


Empower volunteer youth to become potential leaders and responsible citizens of the country.


To develop leadership and character qualities, mould discipline and nurture social integration and cohesion through multi-faceted programs conducted in a military environment.


  • To develop character, camaraderie, discipline, secular outlook, spirit of adventure and ideals of selfless service amongst youth.
  • To create a human resource pool of organized, trained and motivated youth to provide leadership in all walks of life and always available for the service of nation.
  • To provide a suitable environment to motivate youth to take up a career in armed forces.

The NCC is a voluntary organization which is administered through the Ministry of Defence. The Defence Secretary is overall in charge, who is responsible to the Govt of India for efficient functioning of the NCC an other matters. At the Headquarters level, this organization is headed by an officer of the rank of Lieutenant General who is responsible for the functioning of the NCC in the country.

There are 17 Directorates located in the state capitals headed by an officer of the rank of a Major General / Brigadier or equivalent from the three Services. Depending upon the size of the state and growth of NCC in the states, Directorates have up to 14 Group Headquarters under them through which they exercise their command and control of the organisation in the state. Each group is headed by an officer of the rank of Brig / Colonel or equivalent known asGroup Commander.

Each NCC Group Headquarters controls 5-7 NCC units / battalions, commanded by Colonel / Lieutenant Colonel or equivalent. Each battalion consists of companies which are commanded by the Associate NCC Officers (ANO) of the rank of Lieutenant, Captain or Major. In all, there are 95 Group Headquarters in the country who exercise control over a network of 667 Army Wing Units (including technical and girls unit), 60 Naval Wing Units and 61 Air Squadrons. There are two training establishments namely Officers Training Academy, Kamptee and Women Officers Training Academy, Gwalior where professors and teachers from colleges and schools are specially trained to impart training to the cadets as Associate NCC Officers (ANOs).

Training Activities 1. Institutional Training
Training organised in schools and colleges as parades on a weekly / monthly basis.

2. Camp Training
Formal training organized as camps of 10-12 days duration.

3. Attachment Training

  • Formal training organized by attachment with army / naval / air force units or with officer training academies like IMA and OTA.
  • For ā€˜Cā€˜ Certificate Holders. Specific vacancies in the Army, AF and Navy are reserved for NCC ā€˜Cā€˜ certificate holders. For officers there is no UPSC written exams. After application, the cadet is called directly for SSB interview, which he has to clear before final selection as per the merit list. The following vacancies are reserved by each service as officers :- Army. 64 seats per year at IMA and 100 seats per year at OTA.
  • 5-10% bonus marks for recruitment in ranks in Army, Navy and Air force. Bonus marks for employment in Para Military Forces and Department of Telecommunication.
  • Can apply for gazetted post in CRPF if third division degree held by the cadet.
  • Preference in State Services and also in private sectors.
  • Employment within NCC as Whole Time Lady Officer, Girl Cadet Instructor, Aero and Ship Modeling Instructor.

Cadet's Commandments

  • I will ensure construction of toilet in my house and motivate at least 10 persons for the same.
  • I will be an 'Aadhar' Indian and would motivate 10 more persons to be one.
  • I will donate blood at least once every year.
  • I will make only digital transactions wherever possible and motivate others for the same.
  • I will plant minimum two trees in a year and care for the same.
  • I will obtain my voter and PAN Card once I have crossed 18 years of age.
  • I will ensure garbage segregation in my house and within 100 m of my neighborhood.
  • I will undertake 100 hours of shramdaan for social service.
  • I will help physically-challenged persons to live their dreams.
  • I will be a role model for gender sensitivity. secular outlook and spirit of nationalism without any regional bias.
  • I will rush to help any accident victim.
  • I will always uphold motto of NCC - 'Unity and Discipline'. I will be equally disciplined when not under observation.